Liquidity and Exchanges
1MC started being sold in the XRPL trough the XRP toolkit DEX and Sologenic Dex the 22nd of December. As you can see, for the past few weeks we have been steadily increasing the sales volume. The more Liquidity we acquire the easier it will be to get listed in Exchanges bringing more value to the Ecosystem.
For the past week we have been working hard to negotiate with different Exchanges and Dexes and hopefully we’ll bring some great surprises in the near future.
In Fact we have great news, our most recent integration in the XRdoge Dex.

We are glad to be listed in the XRdoge DEX and we can say they are a great team. This is going to be an excellent and successful project.
Thanks XRdoge.
Further more we can gladly say that we are working on our own DEX. It was not an initial idea, but it will bring value added service within our Market Place having the possibility to integrate other projects and as the saying goes the more the merrier.
Upcoming functionalities soon (subject to change):
– Dashboard
– Chart
– Order Book
– Limit Buy/Sell
– Technical Analysis Tools
– Social Integration (Twitter, Facebook, etc…)
– Wallet connection
Adding to all above, we’ll develop our own wallet for the 1MC holders.
We’ll keep everyone posted with any advances we may have.