The 1 Market Coin you need!

We are at the peak of the crypto currency world revolution. Bitcoin and other forms of crypto currency paved the way for the financial systems of the future. We are now able to be faster and more efficient with our up to date technology. 1 Market Coin’s ultimate goal and intent is to have you access all marketplaces with 1MC.

Hence our name 1 Market Coin

With 1MC you will be able, but not limited to:

Purchase gift cards

Pay for a variety of products and services

Obtain rewards for your purchases

Be an integral part of our growing community.

The Obstacle

On the global marketplace

No World Wide Platform:

There are numerous challenges associated with cross-border real-time payments, creating multiple pain-points for customers as high commissions due to the necessity of multiple intermediaries and currencies exchange.

No Safe Transactions:

By contrast, credit card transactions entail the buyer effectively authorizing the seller to “pull” a payment from their account, passing through financial intermediaries in the process. For example, a typical credit card transaction involves four parties: the merchant, the acquirer (the financial institution that enables payments to the merchant), the issuer (the cardholder’s bank), and the individual cardholder.

No Global Payment Systems:

Cross-border payments are usually complicated by legal, technological, and social differences between countries. Even payments that do not involve an exchange of one currency for another face challenges. Broadly, cross-border transactions involve two types of intermediaries: a front-end intermediary that interfaces with an end user and a back-end intermediary for exchange and settlement of funds.

XRP Ledger

The Future of Digital Economy

Global Single-Platform:

A single platform solution technology combining XRPL, internet, and mobile technology for what the users’ needs and wants from any part of the world.

Be Safe and Secure:

The use of cryptographic keys to approve transactions so the XRP Ledger can execute them. Not financial intermediaries.

Decentralize Payment Systems

The XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol is a previously developed protocol powering the XRP Ledger. It is a low-latency Byzantine agreement protocol, capable of reaching consensus without full agreement on which nodes are members of the network.

How it works

The Power of 1MC’s Circular Economic Ecosystem

¹ Subject to change due to partnerships and/or other external factors.

Token Economics

10,000,000,000 TOTAL TOKEN SUPPLY
1,500,000,000 AIRDROP TOKENS
chart Token Distribution
  • Reserve 60%
  • Founding & Early Investors 25%
  • Airdrops 15%
chart Reserve Allocation
  • Tech Innovation 20%
  • Rewards Platform 15%
  • Ecosystem Development 15%
  • Consulting 5%
  • Marketing 5%


Download the whitepaper and learn about 1MC Token

White Paper (PDF)
Disclaimer & Legal (PDF)



Below we’ve provided a few answers to commonly asked questions. If you have any other questions, please contact us below.

1MC went live on December 22, 2021 with it’s initial DEX offer. The first airdrop of 50M tokens was distributed on February 11, 2022.

You can buy 1MC directly from DEX Tool. For more information go to:

No, the issuer account has been blackholed, therefore no more tokens can be created.

Download XAMAN for IOS or ANDROID. After installing the XAMAN app and adding your password and your chosen security keys, you will need to send 10 XRP units to your XAMAN address in order to open the XRP wallet. Once your new wallet is operational you can proceed to add the trustline, using our “Trustline” button.

Get In Touch

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.